Altona Asbestos Roof Replacement

Our team are experts in completing asbestos roof replacements and had no challenge when asked to complete another. The building was located by the beach in Altona, and housed 4 townhouses. The original asbestos roof was ‘Super 6’ profile and in very poor condition. You can easily distinguish Super 6 roof sheeting by the deep corrugations in each roof sheet.
The original asbestos roof to be removed was incredibly brittle and at further risk of asbestos fibres being released into the air. An asbestos roof cannot be repaired, therefore the only option you have, is a roof replacement.

The process of an asbestos roof replacement may seem quite complex. However, with our team running the show, we manage the entire process from start to finish. Above all, we aim to simplify the process for our clients and provide peace of mind!
As the building houses multiple tenants, communication was very important! Hence we made sure to keep everyone involved in the loop of the asbestos removal works taking place and when.

Asbestos Roof Replacement works

After installing safety rail and craning the materials onto the roof, our team commenced works. Firstly, we remove the Super 6 asbestos roof sheets and after cleaning the area, issued with a clearance certificate. Next, we installed 60mm roof insulation blanket and the new metal roof sheets. In this case, we installed Colorbond Monoclad roof sheeting, in the colour ‘Surfmist’. Finally, we installed Colorbond gutters and flashings, as well as fascia covers – all in the colour Surfmist.

The completed project looks fantastic and we are incredibly proud of the work our team continue to produce. The before and after photos below highlight the work our team complete and why we are the number one roof replacement company in Melbourne!