Asbestos Roof Replacements Melbourne: Fitzroy

Recently, ACR Roofing contractors completed a 900m2 asbestos removal and roof replacement project on a saw-tooth roof, located in Fitzroy. Upon first inspection of the property, ACR roofing contractors knew there would be a lot involved with this roof replacement project! Due to the three story height of the building, we require a crane to load all materials onto the roof. Furthermore, the property is located on the corner of Fitzroy and Victoria street. Being two busy streets, this therefore requires a council inspection to determine any additional requirements for the crane.

Just as we expected… there was a LOT involved! First of all, we require a ‘crane plan’ from Associated Cranes to submit to the council. Associated Cranes need a NHVR (National Heavy Vehicle Regulator) permit in order to travel on these roads. Consequently, we require this permit to submit to the council, before applying for the Traffic Management and Road and Footpath Closure permit; also a requirement for these works.

The approval of permits can sometimes take months, during this time we ensure to keep all owners and tenants updated. As well as have all materials measured, ready to order for the confirmed date. Once we receive all essential permits and the council has provided work dates, we can next apply for an Asbestos Notification and schedule the asbestos removal roof replacement works.

Asbestos Roof Removal & Roof Replacement Melbourne

We begin this asbestos removal in Melbourne by first craning materials and installing safety rail. The building consisted of both asbestos roof and walls – both to be replaced.

First, we complete the asbestos roof replacement. After removing the asbestos roofing and receiving a clearance certificate, we commence the roof installation. We first install both safety mesh and sisalation, before installing new BlueScope Zincalume Corrugated roof sheeting.

Once we complete the entire Melbourne roof replacement, we move onto the walls and gutters; in order to remove the gutters, we needed the walls removed first. Similarly to the roof, we remove the asbestos wall cladding and receive a clearance certificate. Before installing the new Zincalume Wall Cladding, we install Zincalume box guttering.

To finish, we install all applicable flashings, cappings and seal all joints. After a final inspection, we hand the complete roof replacement project over to the owner and provide all relevant warranties.

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